Sat (&Sun) Morning Road Rides - Return of the Easy C Rider

Easy C Rider - Ride Pictures 2013

June 1st, a joint ride with 7HW and NVP starting in Sterling ... a nice day, except that temperatures reached 90F by late in the ride.
Dick designed and led the half-metric (with all riders from Easy C Rider). Dave McCormick (NVP) and Gary Bowers (7HW)
handled the longer ride.

Riders started showing up...

... early

Leaders Dick and Dave (where did Gary go?)

NVP riders pose for a pic


The half-metric group ready to go

Some of the faster riders ready to take off

Half metric

en route

At mile 15 on the short ride we

crossed paths with metric riders coming back from eastern loop

Newell Hill Rd



Last updated 06/01/2013