Sat (&Sun) Morning Road Rides - Return of the Easy C Rider

Easy C Rider - Ride Pictures 2010

August 1st, a group of regulars and two first-time ECR riders did the ECR version of the 7HW Bolton Explorer, going from Grafton to Bolton and back. Being an ECR ride, we of course skipped the interminable Green Street hill as well as several others carefully excised from the route. We did still have to deal with Sawyer Hill Road and Lyman St.

Newcomers Saqib and Tom - Tom's bike wasn't up to the ride




Atop Sawyer Hill Rd we met a French couple touring ....

... on their way down from Quebec. Alex discusses their route.

The gorgeous view from Wilder Rd

Overlooking the winery on Watoquadoc Rd

John points out landmarks on Wilder Rd

At the bottom of Green Street - we obey the Stop sign

Discussion at Green Street doesn't change Dick's mind-skip it

The ride is over

Time for lunch


Last updated 08/24/2010